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Congratulations to All of Our Server Recognition Winners

There are so many people who make it possible for us to care for our residents, especially through a challenging year like this one.

And because we know it takes a team to make it happen, we’d like to recognize the servers who have gone above and beyond expectation this year. This special group of people has been instrumental in supporting our team and caring for our residents in and outside of the dining room.

Please join us in congratulating the following team members for their hard work, commitment and recognition.

Jiv Tailor

Traditions of Brookside

“Jiv is outstanding in all aspects of the word. Never late, very reliable, always shows compassion and love and gives her full attention to our residents.”

Teanna Hightower

North Bend Senior Living

“Teanna always has a smile on her face, strikes up conversations with our residents and staff and has proven herself a reliable and positive asset to our team. She has picked up shifts and worked whenever we need her, is very pleasant and a hard worker.”

Renzo Alib

Traditions of Deerfield

“Renzo has been with the company for over a year and is much loved by all the residents, to the point where they miss him and ask about him when he has a day off. He has memorized meal preferences and idiosyncrasies and always has a bright and cheery demeanor. He even dressed as a leprechaun last St. Patrick’s Day, handing out chocolate gold coins and played the victim in our community murder mystery to rave reviews.

I can’t give enough examples of the things that Renzo has done to contribute to our residents’ happiness.”

Haley Ramsey

Traditions of Deerfield

“Haley has a strong dedication to policy and procedure as she’s worked her way up from entry-level server to management. She is indispensable to our department and others and has only become more dedicated during Covid, willing to come in when we need her without question.

Hayley knows each of our residents’ likes and dislikes and is very proactive about making sure everyone gets what they want and need on a daily basis. She uses her detail-oriented skill to track our room orders and special diets as well. Her focus is always on the success of the whole community.”

Joe White

Highgrove at Tates Creek

“Joe White is a dishwasher (rather than server) who has been a part of the Highgrove family since March 2020. He is a friendly, down-to-earth gentleman who gets along with everyone and is willing to help others.

Joe always makes sure that the dish room and his area are clean and looking good. Most importantly, he always comes to work with a smile, even during a tough year.”

Daveon Johnson

Traditions at North Willow

“Daveon has an exceptional work ethic, not limited to serving in the dining room. He supports our team daily with a positive attitude, great attendance and is always willing to help where needed, including filling extra shifts.

Daveon is beloved by the residents and staff for his kindness and care. North Willow is truly lucky to have him.”

James Wright

Traditions of North Willow

“James title is dishwasher at North Willow, but he is so much more. Despite being inside the kitchen most of his shifts, he knows the residents, their preferences and most importantly, how to make them smile. His positive attitude and overall cheery demeanor lifts our entire building.

James shows his dedication to North Willow in a lot of ways, including his perfect attendance and willingness to pick up shifts when needed. This is a man who truly understands the meaning of teamwork and teaches others along the way.”

Karlton Woodard

Traditions of North Willow

“Karlton has a terrific work ethic, perfect attendance and kind heartedness. His knowledge of our dining services is exceptional and extremely helpful for everyone. Karlton is treasured by our residents and staff members for his wonderful attitude, resident care and regard for their preferences.

A true gentleman to everyone each and every day.”

Jade Baker

Traditions at Beavercreek      

“Jade has been a godsend for the department. She gladly picks up shifts when we are short, and when she is here, she goes out of her way to make residents feel special. On numerous occasions, I have witnessed Jade sitting with one of our residents while she eats (the only way we can get this resident to eat is if someone sits with him), escorting residents back to their rooms or to the activities area rather than call a PCA. She finds one task a day that needs to be completed and does it without being asked.

Jade makes it a point to know the personal stories of each resident, and she brings a smile to their faces and to ours. I cannot think of a more deserving person for this honor.”

Lily Bohde

Park Place Senior Living

“Lily has surpassed expectations Every. Single. Day. during this pandemic. She comes in whenever needed and does her work with a smile regardless of whether things are chaotic, stressful or we have staffing challenges.

Lily makes sure to deliver every meal, drink or anything else with the biggest smile (even if you can’t see it right now because of the mask, you know she is smiling). She’s come in on her days off just to sit with residents, make them smile, laugh and connect with them. She brightens the days of our residents and her co-workers every day and is more than deserving of this award.

Lily’s love, dedication, loyalty and hard work never goes unnoticed. We are so incredibly blessed with her energy and love.”